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BOS Minutes 01/22/02
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting January 22, 2002

1.  Approval of Minutes:
Selectman Sibley made a motion, which was seconded by Selectman Bice, to approve the minutes of January 7, 2002 as presented.  SO VOTED.

2.  Communications:
a.  Letter to Marilyn Warren – Anthem Demutualization
First Selectman Griswold sent a letter to District #18 Business Manager Marilyn Warren in which he stated the demutualization funds should be converted to cash as quickly as possible providing the school and the Town of Lyme agree.  At the present time it is $48/share and the combined value would be approximately $477,000.
Selectman Bice stated that the school will be opening a brokerage account in order to make this sale.

b.  Letter from Frank Oliveira – Hefflon Farm Open Space Proposal   
In a letter from Frank Oliveira, president of Hefflon Farm Homeowners Association, he states that there are two parcels of land that the association would like the town to consider as open space at no cost.  The first is a ¾ acre at the corner of Foggy Meadow Lane and Pine Road on which there is a fire pond.  The second parcel is 2-1/2 acres near the Blackhall River consisting mainly of marsh grass.  The Selectmen agreed to consult with the Open Space Committee and the Planning Commission.

c.  Letter from Jack Alexander – CT Transportation Strategy Board
A letter was received from Jack Alexander regarding the Transportation Board that is developing a transportation plan for the State which will including mass transits, waterways, etc. In southeastern Connecticut one of the concerns is the congestion on I-95.  Mr. Alexander is encouraging the board to participate in meetings that working groups will be holding.  First Selectman Griswold will find out more information on when the meetings will be held.

3.  Appointments:

4.  Old Business:
a.  State Parcel Update – Caulkins Road
First Selectman Griswold had previously read a letter from the State of Connecticut regarding the parcel of land on Caulkins Road which the State was considering donating to the town was owned by an individual, not by the State.  After some research, it was determined that lot 51 is the lot that should be considered, not lot 5 as mentioned by the legislation.   After speaking with the DEP and Sen. Melodie Peters’ office, it was determined that there has to be legislation to make that change.  Sen. Peters will rectify the situation during this session.  

b.  Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for 7:30 P.M. on Monday, January 28, 2002 at the Middle School on Lyme Street.  On the agenda will include the acceptance of the Town Report, the Citizen of the Year, reappointing Jane Marsh to the Regional Planning Agency, authorizing  $25,000 to purchase a police vehicle for which the town will be reimbursed by an 80% grant (town cost $5,000 on a net basis), the approval of up to $37,500 to construct the dinghy dock at Ferry Road with a $25,000 grant (town cost $12,500), two open space questions regarding properties owned by Virginia and Roger Tory Peterson and also John Noyes, the consideration of a Tree Ordinance and Tax Abatement Plan for the fire and ambulance volunteers.
c.  Weed Study Update at Rogers Lake
Allan Kyle, Chairman of the Rogers Lake Authority, has been working with the State of Connecticut regarding a grant that would cover 75% of the cost of a weed study to a maximum of $30,000.  The estimated cost of the study is $45,000.  The Town of Lyme and the Town of Old Lyme would split the cost of the study.  A consultant’s input is necessary regarding the status of the dam and the possibility of a fish ladder similar to the one on Mill Pond Lane and the other on Sill Lane.  More information will follow.

d.  Contract Renewal Honkers
The town has used a firm known as Honkers which is the border collie dog that rids Haines Park of geese.  The Board of Finance is in favor of continuing the Honkers
service until the end of the fiscal year.  Town Sanitarian Ron Rose said that Honkers has secured permission from all but one owner of private islands in the lake to addle the eggs.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to continue using Honkers for the next six months.

e.  Barricade Update Dogwood Drive
There is a strip of land 51 ft. wide and approx. 200 ft. long between Dogwood Lane and Robbins Road which was to be used as an emergency access.  There is a wooden barricade on this land now which is used to slow bicycle and motorcycle traffic.  The residents in the area would like the barricade moved.  The plan using anchor fence gates with a lock presented to the residents was not well received.  Another plan which will be presented is a chain across from two posts and a pedestrian passageway with no obstruction.  Selectman Sibley questioned why not leave it open.  First Selectman Griswold answered that people would then drive through this area as a matter of convenience and it is not a road.  It is an emergency access only.

5.  New Business:  
a.  Planning Commission – Fee Schedule Ordinance
Planning Commission Alternate Bob Pierson spoke on behalf of Harold Thompson Chairman regarding an ordinance establishing fees for the Old Lyme Planning Commission.  Fees shall be determined by the Planning Commission and assessed to the applicant after the appropriate administrative fees are paid and the services are rendered to the Planning Commission.  Selectman Sibley made a motion to include this ordinance on the agenda of the Town Meeting and approval of the Board of Selectmen. Selectman Bice seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

6.  Public Comment:
Jack Alexander expressed his concern about the precedent that would be set if the town were to accept land from associations designated as open space and the liability involved.

7.  Other Business:
Selectman Bice reported that he met with Sanitarian Ron Rose concerning the letter from Roger Zito who complained about the Building Department fees and the working hours of the Building Inspector.  Mr. Rose is preparing a response to the Board of Selectmen and to Mr. Zito.

Selectman Bice stated that the choice of financial software is ongoing.  There should be a thorough review of the requirements of the various departments before proceeding as well as looking into the auditor’s recommendations.  

First Selectman Griswold noted that in February the Board of Selectmen will set up meetings to review the budgets that were submitted.

8.  Executive Session:     

9.  Adjournment:
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley and seconded by Selectman Bice to adjourn at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Coffee, Clerk